About me

I'm the first child out of five. I'm often confused either I'm an introvert or an extrovert. I do enjoy the pleasure of reading a good book, but I also enjoy meeting new people and spending time with people. So, yeah, if you know/ you've met me, you decide. I do take quite a while to adjust myself to a new friend or a new surrounding, but so far, I'm doing well on both (I hope so). When I was small, I didn't like to share my food, and it still takes quite a while for me to begin sharing my food (honestly, everyone just says "want some?" but sometimes we just don't want them to have it because the food is too darn good enough, right?). However now sometimes I honestly like sharing my food especially with people I'm close with because I want them to feel or taste the same thing as I do (together either good or bad). My birthday is on 21st December so I'm often the youngest in my class.

I'm also currently in a relationship, but I like to keep it private. If we've confirmed our marriage status, then I'll announce to the world. I started journaling when I was 10 but when I was 12, something awful and embarrassing happened, so I stopped till I was 14. I started blogging then and my dad took my blog away because it was distracting me when I had my PMR, so it was like a short break. My previous blog URL is so complicated and weird that you can't even understand. This was the list of my URL:

1. izzsabrina (noob)
2. kissing-coffins

Lol. So random, right? The current URL is pantherastripes because I love tigers and their stripes. Very random, Izz.

I'm currently doing my Bachelor in Psychology at Help University and I hope to graduate with at least second class honours within 3 years. In shaa Allah. So, I guess that's all about me. I will update on more about me soon.

Peace upon be you.