Talk of the mind.
New Future.
Yes, that’s probably of it. Instead of saying and thinking of what I’m weak at and sadness, I have found a way to improve myself and be happy most of the time.. How did I do it? First things first:
o Everything happens for a reason
I may be a little hurt, sad or offended with what people do and say to me, but I have to think that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes, the reason is myself, I just have to take it in a positively way.
o Train yourself for your future
Yes, we never know what is in our future. Unless we’re like mutants that can predict the future > OHMYGOD THAT’S JUST AMAZING ! Anyways, let’s get back to the topic, yes, we can set our minds to think that all of what’s happening is actually a test from Allah to train ourselves to become a better person. And admit it, we all want to become a better person, right?
o Allah knows the best
As a muslim, we have to believe in Allah S.W.T and make Quran as our guidance. So, what is there to worry? Everything that’s happening to you, Allah knows. He is the most powerful, He knows it all and how to handle it all. Allah won’t give you tests that he himself knows that you can’t face it. He knows you’re strong enough to face it therefore he wants to take you to the nest level. Remember, “senang itu sebenarnya susah, susah itu sebenarnya senang” Why? This is because when we’re happy and everything is easy for us, we tend to forget Allah, The One that gave us this happiness. But when we’re in pain or suffer, we remember him and asks for his forgiveness. We should always have Allah in our heart and mind all the time.
o What is there to lose, always has something to gain
For an example, you failed your test, you failed your examination. You lose your friend, you break up with your boyfriend. Yes, you will lose your heart, your smile, I know how it feels, but you have to look on the bright side, if you never failed, you would have never knew that you didn’t study enough, you would probably think you got an A so, what is there to learn anymore, you already passed. Losing your friend because you both are in a fight and she never listens to you or only think of herself. Be grateful that Allah S.W.T showed early that your friend is not a true friend rather than you find out later when it’s too late. Same goes as losing a lover, you maybe losing your heart but maybe Allah has saved someone even more special for your heart and you. Whatever you lose, you gain something, life isn’t fair but Allah is J
So, to all the people out there that are still wondering why is all this happening to you and why are you the one to have to go through all this, remember, Allah S.W.T chose you to train to be better person. Make everything worth to live and love. Peace upon be you, xoxo <3