
Generation Y


So, something happened today. The thing about me is, I like things planned (college). I prefer things go as I plan and if it doesn't, I will do a follow up on it. But the thing about kids nowadays is, (sometimes me). We expect things to happen, we don't work for them, but we expect them to happen. A simple example is exam. You study last minute and you expect a great result. Unless you're a genius of course you can nail that, but normal people are not. We have average IQ but damn most of us are lazy.

Sorry no pun intended, but it's the reality. We've been brought up with a silver spoon and we grew up with our parents do most of the things. Once we became a so-called-adults, we have no principle in life, no professionalism when doing our work, no critical thinking.

Malaysian education system also made us this way. However, some of us managed to grow and become true adults but some stayed. It's sad to see adults nowadays not even knowing how to operate the basic things in life like money management and time management not forgetting people management. Those are all important elements that school never taught but it is self taught. Although nowadays there are subjects introduced to kids about the mechanisms and tips and tricks but we see it as useless. Well, what to do? That's the generation Y.

I meant to sentap you. Yes. Grow up.

(I'm also saying this to myself)
posted from Bloggeroid

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