Hairy to hairless with Nair
Anyone here suffers the same problem with me when shaving? Or post shaving? I have very sensitive skin, and I've tried different kind of shaving creams, razors and so much more but I have never found the perfect one. From Schick to Veet, my skin always gets rashes and irritation.
But now I've moved on to waxing. I used to pluck my underarm hair but it took so long (well, not me actually, I ask my sister to do it for me hehe. But hey! That's what sisters are for). I've tried the Veet waxing strips but it didn't work out well. The strip didn't get any hair at all! Then I discovered this one..
It works wonders! Although I still have to tweeze a bit but still, it managed to pull of many hair in just one strip! So if any of you (even with sensitive skin) are looking for a great diy waxing strip, bcs going to the spa takes a lot of money, just buy Nair Spa Clay wax strips. It has to be spa clay!!
You can find this at Watson, Guardian & Aeon. It retails around RM23 and there's 20 wax strips which is more than enough (unless you're planning to wax your legs). I recommend waxing other parts of your body at the spa bcs you can't really reach some parts and some spa have aftercare waxing which may help reduce ingrown hair.
The wax smells nice and it's not that sticky (as in to clean it). The aftercare wax helps (you just need one swipe) but I prefer using argan oil. Don't use coconut or almond or other types of oil bcs it promotes hair growth.
Good luck!
posted from Bloggeroid