My favourite presents of all time.


I have never celebrated my birthday but sometimes (when I was younger), my parents give me presents! I've always believe that I should celebrate my mom on my birthday (which is the reason I rarely celebrate my birthday). Because on that day she struggled delivering me into this world and I owe her a big thanks!

However, gifts, cards and wishes always makes me feel appreciated. It's not a big deal yes but I know people remember me (thank you, facebook!) Hahaha. But I have never preferred surprises. Don't ask why I dislike the fast heart beating and not knowing anything, I love surprising people but I dislike receiving them myself. Hmm idk what's wrong with me. 

I've listed the best gift anyone could (has) ever give(n)  to me;

1. Love, care & attention

This is the best gift ever. I'm serious. I'm so thankful to have great family and friends!

2. Vacation

I'm not being picky, but the beach had always given me a positive vibe. With the hassle and bustle of city life, this would be a perfect gift! My dad brought my family to a 7 day holiday at Pulau Tioman once. I had the best time of my life. 

3. Flowers (Purple peonies)

I'm typical like that. I love nature. Flowers can never go wrong! Attached with a meaningful card? That's the best!

4. D-I-Y Card/ Picture collage

Why DIY? Because I appreciate the uniqueness and creativity of a person. It does not have to be expensive/ colourful. You could just get an A4 paper, draw a heart and write happy birthday I would love it already! Hahahaha.

5. Big bucket of ice cream

I have big family members. Hence, its always hard to be able to eat my ice cream as much as I want because I have to remember those who hasn't had. But to have my own big bucket of ice cream? THAT'S HEAVEN!

6. Book

I just heard about the new adult art therapy colouring book and I wish to own it so much! Once I get my allowance (by January, I hope). I will look for this and buy colouring pencils (stabilo in particular) because I've always loved things like this! I would also appreciate great novels! Oh gosh that's also very good!

7. Great food, great company

This reminds me of the good ol days with my family. My dad would often treat me Tony Romas every time on my birthday (oh or even The Ship),because it is my favourite restaurant. No person can ever go wrong with ribs and escargos! But it does not have to be a fancy restaurant. You could bring me to mamak and we could talk for hours and that would be one of the greatest give ever- spending time with me. Hehehe

8. Being remembered

Just a simple "happy birthday" would make me a happy bunny! Hehehe. 

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