Tea, butter cookies and good music.
Here I am. Sipping my cup of tea. Enjoying my butter cookie. Listening to some good music.
These are the times I'd normally listen to good sentimental music that reminds me of the reason why I live. What I've been through and why I'm still standing strong. Life is hard- no one can deny that. But life is a journey. Without making mistakes, I wouldn't even know what to improve. We are who we choose to be, as said by some quote I found online. If we choose to be a failure, we shouldn't move on from our mistakes. But no one wants to be a failure, I bet.
There comes a time in everyone's life when we feel useless, unforgiven, forgotten, we feel we want to die, our heart breaks into pieces. I've been there. And it sure isn't easy to stand back up. All you do, you keep remind yourself that you're not worth living. I get it. But all those are all in your mind. YOU are the one in control of your life. You could either be YOU or let others destroy you. You could cry all day long remembering back the memories that destroyed you to pieces, or be the one who would take all those pieces and build a better piece of happiness. Life is a gift. God gave you something no one else has. Strength. He knows you are strong enough to handle this. So be YOU.
Give it time. Enjoy every little things in life.
xoxo, izz.