Online stores and shops


Thought expressing.

Before I start ranting about the reasons some online shops don’t deserve to be in business and praises, I would like you (yes, you, the one who’s reading this, whoever you are) to excuse my frankness and forthrightness. These are my personal opinions and experiences, if you think of the opposite of what I wrote, you can stop reading this post (might as well just exit my blog page). However, I strongly believe that being straightforward is the only way my opinions can be heard.

Recently, I purchased xxxx on and online store at Instagram. Let’s just say their store name is ccshop (not even close to the name of the store). I was really excited because I bought heck of a lot of xxxx at ccshop. FYI, in my opinion what matters most too online store is customer service. They lack of expertise (sorry to say). I can’t deny that some shops are great at dealing with customers but some are just plain terrible.

To continue, this so-claimed-rich-kid-who-owns-the-store (ccshop), was the one dealing with customers and etc. She/he replied to all of her/his customer’s whatsapp and whatsoever. I mean I get it, to have your phone ringing all the time is just….gaahh annoying. But these are customers we’re talking about. If you don’t think you can handle that sort of pressure, why even start an online shop without proper management?

I thought of posting a screen grab but I can’t because that would just reveal the real identity of the oh-so-famous-shop. Since I am a nice kitty kat, I won’t J

So, here a piece of thought to all those self-claimed-successful chicks/hunks who wants to start an online business. Customer service is important. One report from the customer to the world, you’ll lose all your money on that god damn lack of expertise of yours in dealing with customers especially people like me who are perfectionists.

Maybe you could even re-consider of having 2 phones; 1. For personal use, 2. For business use. See? It’s not that hard. Just a simple mind juicing could help you and your business.

Or even if phone is too expensive, e-mail anyone?

And oh, I’m soooooooooooo not buying from that store anymore >,<

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