A year has passed and now it's almost 2016, I apologize for the delay in posting. I had been busy and I didn't have Internet connection to post, but now I do.
I learned a lot throughout this year from basic life to many more. I wouldn't have the time to remember all but I'll list down a few things:
1. It is definitely okay to not be on top.
2. It's okay if I feel lonely sometimes bcs it gives me time to reflect on what I do.
3. My friends are not going to stay forever, I'd say 1/50 will, but I will never know which one, and that is okay, bcs that is just naturally how life works.
4. Family is important, no matter what, keep in contact with the ones I love bcs I never know when will be the last time I'll ever speak to them.
5. If I have nothing good to say, I'll just bite my tounge to keep me from talking bad.
6. Save all assignments online.
7. Sit in the first few rows in lecture hall, I'm easily distracted.
8. It's okay if people do not like me.
9. Start making conversation with lecturer and tutor bcs they will help me.
10. Whatever it is, it all begins with my effort and Allah's help, remember to always thank him and be grateful.
You guys might think my university life is fun, I'd say yes it is but I come from different background from most of my friends in my university. From culture, religion and financial. There are things they do that I can't do and things we both do not understand, sometimes it's tough but mostly it's not. It all depends on how I (we) set myself (ourselves). If I were to focus on the differences, then I won't ever find the similarities. So that's how I put it, focus on similarities.
I believe that my experience in my university will teach me to be a more holistic person, in shaa Allah. 2015 had open my eyes to the real world and how I must prepare myself mentally and physically for every challenge.
I hope 2016 would be a great year as well. May Allah be with us. I'll end this post with few pictures to close my 2015 story.

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