Random things about me


  1. My current phone is samsung galaxy s4.
  2. I'm in love with the same guy since 2010.
  3. I'm a december babe.
  4. Music flows in my veins.
  5. I love long roadtrips.
  6. I'm easily touched when watching movies (cry)
  7. People say I talk a lot (?)
  8. I have two cats.
  9. I have a button nose.
  10. I'm short (ok)
  11. I can make you hurt so bad that you think you can manage it but actually can't.
  12. Family is my first priority.
  13. I have 5 self-composed song.
  14. I'm neither good in english nor malay. Most of the times, I express myself using my face or body.
  15. I love to sing out loud (especially in a car)
  16. My eyelashes are long sometimes it annoys me but mostly I am thankful.
  17. I'm clingy.
  18. I've been told that I am a good listener and advisor.
  19. I wish I can live in the 90s.
  20. I love animals.

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