

Please unbutton your top button, unless you’re planning to wear a tie.
Please change your trousers. they’re tighter than mine.
Please rethink those shorts, they’re shorter than boxers.

Let me remind you, wearing chunky glasses without powered lens won’t make you seem intellectual.
I can tell what you’re thinking. Thinking that you’re hipster.
Stop trying to be someone you’re not because it’s in trend.


Hipsters died a long time ago with their iPhones and their homeless jacket.
Your etiquette, men.
Died along with it.

Here’s to the 21st century men.
Who calls women bitches, because they’re not in interested in sleeping with your kind of creatures.
Raping, assault, and discrimination.
You are no longer men.
You are just devils in motion.

Have you no respect for your grandmother who carried your mother, and your mother who carried your life.
Your wife who carried your daughter, and your daughter who is carrying a life.
A life made by men like you. Who called her a bitch, and a slag when she told them they’re a dad.

And you, you call yourselves men
When all you seize is a hole to park your genitals,
Men, leaving your prints on our bodies, like finger painting when you were a kid weren’t enough,
Men, you never clean up your mess.
Men, guiding us to tragedies because being beautiful depended on how our curves coiled in your messes.
And men, you left your traces.

Like you men, forcing your girlfriend to part her thighs,
Taking turns to ride the road to masculinity,
Treating us like our private parts were made to your pump up your dignity,
Men, have you no shame.
That you have used our bodies in vain.

Men of the 21st century,
Objectifies us like we’re exchangeable for money,
Frustrates me when you blame our clothing for your violation,
Our flesh were flashing too much, so it gave you permission?
Why would women in burkas get molestation?
It was your curiosity, that stripped our innocence.
Peel her like a tangerine, you men said like it made sense.

Women are being punished for the evolution of men,
So stop before your daughter gets raped,
Look yourself in the mirror and remove the hate,
Before it starts being every woman’s fate.

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