Oh ditties
13:01What a surprise? Another day, another post ey? Hahaha. Well, I've got things to say and to share so, why not? Plus, I am in the mood babe. I am in the mood. Well, first of all, before I start talking about nonsence, please let's spare our few second to recite a prayer upon our brothers and sisters in GAZA. *hands up* "Bismillahirahmanirrahim, O' Allah the Almighty the most powerful one, please guide israel to the right path and strengthens our brothers and sisters in Palasteine's iman. Protect them and grant their prayers o' Allah for we are the slave for you, we beg of forgiveness and merciful to forgive us and all muslims..amin.." :) So, let's just say Alhamdulillah that our country is safe. Haha in any case, that's not in the topic that I'm about to talk about. Lol. Oh btw, on 18th November me and my family went to bagan lalang and we camped out. It wasn't that adventure but since being the descendent of pirates, I belong to the sea. And spending my time on the beach, with the wind, it's truly home.. So, while we're at the beach, of course we ate, and looked around. We saw some bunch of people trying to put up their shade, well, it's not a tent to be exact, it's like canopy, lol wth I don't even know how to describe it, but what I noticed was, they were setting the main frame first, and when they're about to set up the roof, lol, the guy had to take a chair and climb over cause he can't reach it, so to my dear fellows out there, please, before you do something, think first. You know like they said.. "THINK BEFORE YOU ACT"

Well, that's not all, on the 19th November, I went to Ayuni's house and we just hang watching Russell Peters videos and laughing our ass off. Oh, actually my intention was to talk about our problem with the AFC but dad took a long time at my sister's school, regarding that UPSR result was finally out! (Oh yes, alhamdulillah my sister aced 2A3Bs in her exam, still she can't beat me though with 4A1Bs, but I did hope for her to beat me) oh and ayuni gave me fifty shades of grey! And since I've finished reading the Olympians, thought maybe I could read Fifty shades and hell, it is extremely rated 18 SX if you ask me. Oh and ayuni even made me sandwiches! It's really easy and yummy! Oh maybe I can give you the recipe:

What you need is:
(1) Bread - Wholemeal
(2) Thousand Island sauce
(3) Cheese slices
(4) Cherry tomato
(5) Cabbage
(6) Chicken slices
And place it with chicken slices first, cabbage, then cherry tomato and chesse slices and make a big 'O' with the thousand island sauce. You're almost there.. Place it inside a microwave for 2 minustes and walaaaah! You're done! What a nice and easy way to have a healthy breakfast! Lol hoping that you all will enjoy!
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